Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Pin #1 Sequel Tech Tips: Centering Gadget Captions

Here's how to center gadget captions in blogger.

The Pin (same from last post)

To get CSS code for centering the gadget caption,

1. Click the above Pin to get to the webpage with the link
2. Once at the webpage press CTRL + "F" and search for "caption"
3. hit the down arrow button next to the "Find" drop down box until you get to this CSS code found in this comment.

4. copy the code
5. paste/type the code into the "Add CSS" box.

If you're using the old Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard - Design - Template Designer - Advanced - Add CSS - paste the following code - Press enter after the last character of the last line } - Apply to Blog.

If you're using the new Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard ('House' symbol) - Template - Customize - Advanced - Add CSS - paste the following code - Press enter after the last character of the last line } - Apply to Blog. 



Pin #1 Tech Tips: Centering Gadget Images

Our first pin review is one that helped me DIY design this blog.

In celebration of the birth of this blog, it's only appropriate to highlight the pin used its design.

The thing to adjust on the blog was

As anyone who has used/uses blogger will know, most everything, by default, is left-aligned.  Left-aligned is fine, but my eye envisioned center-aligned. 

Being the DIY person I am, and not wanting to pay someone to design this blog for us, I decided I would do some research and find/make a Pinterest pin that would teach/show me how to create what I envisioned.

The Pin

The Review

BEFORE the Pin

AFTER the Pin

AFTER aligning gadget captions. Tutorial HERE.

The Conclusion

Even though center-aligned from left-aligned is not much distance apart, I still like the center-aligned look better.

Two thumbs up for this pin!



this is a test post. our goal is to make this blog fun, inspiring, and educational.

we will be picking a pin a day to try and review for you. we are two sisters, dedicated to making the most out of life and out of our Pinterest pins. we hope you will join in the fun.

welcome to Project Pinway!